Autistic spectrum who’s the weird one?

Autism is not intrinsically a disability, but the way society is organised makes it so. Downloadable poster to help people understand this.

Just a very quick post inspired by an item I saw on Facebook and shared because I agreed with the sentiment.

The original post was made by who of course I give full credit to for putting my own thoughts into good words.

One of my characters, Maarten, who appears in “Time Tunnel to West Leighton” and “Time Tunnel to Ironbridge” is autistic.

I have created a hi-resolution image because someone I know wanted to make a poster for their classroom, and I’m sharing it below because I couldn’t get it to go through on Facebook uncompressed. The format is A3 300 dpi so should be easy to convert to PDF for printers.

I (Oliver Tooley) am autistic although I was never diagnosed. Two of my children are diagnosed and they get help to cope with society as it currently operates. Yet, as the words in this image imply, it’s all those neurotypical people who are weird, not us.

I think it’s fair to say this is partly tongue in cheek, but there is a serious note backing it up.  

You need to click on the image to open it up full size, then right click to save.


It says,

“I’m autistic, which means everyone around me has a disorder which makes them say things they don’t mean, not care about structure, fail to hyperfocus on singular important topics, have unreliable memories, drop weird hints, and stare creepily into my eyeballs.

So why do people treat me as the weird one?

Because there are more of them than people like me.”